"This series of performative experiments investigate coping mechanisms – the ways in which our psyche adapts to stressful situations.
The error or systemic failure both in real and digital worlds is the main theme that visual and performance artist Dagnini explores in her practice. She creates personas that critically reflect on images from pop culture and art history, as well as addresses universal humanitarian issues. Characters from computer games, memes, or literary plots Dagnini combines with archetypal social "roles": the exhausted and emotionally burned out manager or politician, the objectified female body, endless kinds of marginalized and dehu-manized members of society. These images are chimeras of personal and collective psychological traumas, humanistic systems failures, and broken lives. Just like the complexity of the world grows in an endless process of mutual influence, her characters morph into one another, combining seemingly incompatible signs of modernity. Through them, Dagnini not only survives the challenges of her own experience of the instability of our world, but illustrates the most painful and confusing areas of our existence."