NADA, Villa Warsaw, Poland

A solo project by Dagnini at NADA Villa Warsaw

NADA Villa Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

"Notes on Apocalypse" show marks the artist's first comprehensive solo presentation in Eastern Europe. The overarching theme of all elements presented in the installation is the apocalypse within the context of global crises and the ways of navigating through these events: whether in fear or denial, routine, and labour.

The installation comprises hand-embroidered vintage tapestries converted in digital-inspired memes, paintings, videos, and large-scale sculpture. The latter is crafted from artificial ivy leaves, with branches affixed to the walls cascading down to the floor. From a distance, they appear real, and it's only upon closer inspection that one can discern each leaf, meticulously attached by hand, as an eerie individual mini-face. The branches, resembling real plants, symbolize nature reclaiming its own. Large openings resembling arches are left between the branches on the white wall, within which objects and several screens with videos are hung. The videos consist of documentation of Dagnini's performances interspersed with found footage.

NADA Villa Warsaw is a col­laborative exhibition featuring 44 inter­national gal­leries, taking place May 16th to 19th, 2024, at the historic Willa Gawrońskich on Aleje Ujazdowskie.

The neo-baroque buil­ding, con­struc­ted in 1924 and designed by Marcin Wein­feld, has been the site of several historic events over the course of the last cen­tury. The Villa now provides an oppor­tunity for par­ticipating artists and gal­leries to engage its unique charac­ter through a diverse series of presentations.

Brin­ging together gal­leries from 27 cities and three con­tinents, NADA Villa Warsaw is organized by Michał Kaczyński (Raster), Marta Kołakowska (LETO), and Joanna Witek-Lipka (Warsaw Gal­lery Week­end) in part­ner­ship with the New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA). This col­laborative model is an exten­sion of the Villa Raster project—a series of art events initiated by Raster in Warsaw in 2006, with sub­sequent editions in Iceland, Japan, and Canada.

The New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) is a dynamic non-profit organization that sup­ports the develop­ment and promotion of con­tem­porary art. NADA con­nects gal­leries, indepen­dent art spaces, and art profes­sionals, creating an inter­national plat­form for exchange, innovation, and col­laboration. NADA Villa Warsaw is the organization's first project in Cen­tral and Eastern Europe.